Hello Unconventional Women and Happy New Year! Welcome to Unconventional Business Women’s (UBW) first blog post. I am excited to have another way we can stay connected. I attended my first UBW event, a Gathering, in April 2019, and I was hooked on this ministry. The past six months leading up to that event, I had experienced some professional setbacks and was just coming out of a long season of personal hardships. A new friend, Jill, invited me to attend the event, and although I had no real understanding of what the event entailed or who Unconventional Business Network even was, I agreed to go. 

Looking back, I know that event was a divine appointment for me where God laid the foundation for something bigger. That night was what my soul desperately needed. After the event, Jill introduced me to Kathy Boxx, the Founder of Unconventional Business Women. Jill’s words were, “Kathy, here is your newest leadership team member.” Kathy grabbed me into a hug that lasted a little longer than one might expect on a first meeting, and all three of us were talking and laughing at once. 

Kathy Boxx, Founder of UBW and I at a UBN event in Des Moines, IA.
I am grateful to God for using UBN to create strong friendships, and thankful
to Kathy for her commitment to pray for and love on the ladies of UBW. 

Fast-forward to the end of 2020, when I joined the Unconventional Business Network team as the coordinator for the events and booking of speakers. I have absolutely loved – and still do – the excitement of our multi-city events and working closely with incredible speakers. Now, as of November 2021, I have the privilege of stepping into Kathy’s shoes as the Executive Director of Unconventional Business Women. 

While I love directing the events, my passion has always been for connecting and supporting women pursuing their God-given ambitions. I feel like God tailor-made this ministry for me, and His favor humbles me in allowing me to lead this organization. God truly does spoil us sometimes, doesn’t He? 

I am thrilled about the new things being added to UBW’s calendar this year, one being this weekly blog. Starting next month, I will be hosting a podcast twice a month, and in the spring, we will have another Gathering. The very type of event that launched my path to where God has placed me today. 

In November of this year, UBW will host its first mini-conference specifically for and only for the Christian professional woman. I am giddy to see how God moves in our hearts and careers through that time together. Consider this your first invitation to put November 3-4 on your calendars. I want you there with us! 

Saving perhaps the best for last, my favorite resource our ministry offers is our Forum groups. These monthly groups allow men and women to meet in a smaller group, networking and learning with other business leaders. Forum members work through a leadership curriculum, diving deeper into practical ways to live out our faith through our work.  It can be so encouraging to share our stories and hear wise counsel from others who have common experiences. 

We also offer both a virtual and in-person option for the ladies looking to meet with only professional women in the Kansas City area. No matter which group you choose, I am a firm believer that our work, life, and faith will be strengthened and refreshed when we link arms with other like-minded believers.  

Whatever your goals or needs, please know that UBW is here to offer support, prayer, and community on your journey. We desire to help equip you and encourage you to follow God’s lead in your life + faith + career and to partner with you in prayer. Thank you for being a part of the UBW community. You matter to God, and you matter to us. 
