for Professional Members
UBN Forum content is a 12-part video with discussion guide series that unpacks the acronym LEADING (loving God, excellence, appreciating others, driven by purpose, integrity, no bondage, and generosity). Hosted by UBN founder and CEO Rick Boxx and prominent faith-at-work leaders, these videos will entertain, as well as instruct and inform, Christian business leaders regardless of role.
for Owner/CEO Members
UBN Roundtable content is a three-year training curriculum focusing on such topics as leadership, accounting and finance, marketing and sales, and information and technology. Each lesson includes a Christ-centered devotional and business performance evaluation. Written by UBN founder and CEO Rick Boxx and staff, this carefully crafted content is meant to improve and transform your workplace and impact your community for Christ.
for Professional & Owner/CEO Members
UBN Library content draws from two decades of UBN events and conferences featuring prominent faith at work guests and keynote speakers like Steve Green of Hobby Lobby, Dee Ann Turner of Chick-fil-A, and Horst Schultz of the Ritz-Carlton Hotels. Browse our selections and learn practical strategies for bringing your faith to work and incorporating Biblical principles into your best practices.
for Professional & Owner/CEO Members
RightNow Media @Work content will expand your understanding of assimilating your faith into the workplace with studies focusing on everything from teamwork to leadership to finances by well-known experts such as John Maxwell, Henry Cloud and Dave Ramsey. UBN is grateful to RightNow Media@Work for providing access to their faith + work content to our members free of charge.